Freedom is a concept worth fighting for worldwide. Especially now in Ukraine when we face concentrated, pure evil attacking our homeland from the ruzzia. It is as definite as fighting nazis in the second world war. Russists are the nazis of the 21st century. We fight and we are not alone.
The world needs to step up and finally isolate and destroy the evil empire of the ruzzia by means of its total embargo and total empowerment of Ukraine. And the world has made the first and most important steps in this direction in the face of international fighters ready to sacrifice all on the side of Good against evil.
When the cumbersome governments don’t step up fast enough, Individuals take the lead. And I’m happy to help. An 18 hour drive for the rotation of our friends? – anytime.
Yet it’s too late for some good folks that have lost their lives.
R.I.P Emile, Bryan, Edvard, Luke.
They’ve exterminated bloody ruzzian cockroach-orcs well. Under heavy tank, artillery, mortar and drone shelling they perished. They were Heroes and will be remembered by us, by Ukraine, by their friends and families in the US, Canada, Sweden.
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