Three to five seconds decided it, because it’s as long as it took for You to get a first impression. At least it’s what the stats say – the malleable stats. But it takes a bit longer for me to dig it.
I may paint a new painting, but then I’m clueless as to what it will mean to me down the road. And as a viewer You get this free bonus of seeing the finished product and not be impacted by its preceding stages like the artist. Can the artist ever be a really free viewer?
Imagine the painting on your wall and instantly You get some good memories or associations coming up in Your mind of how it will look like. You practically start painting your own picture in anticipation of a pleasant experience, which comes with good art.
That’s the bonus of an artwork – positive experience, thought and introspection, an ability to go off track for a moment and venture into the outlandish perspectives that the painting brings right to your home. I actually have surprisingly few paintings at home, but there is art everywhere with pieces from 19th century bronze statuettes, paintings, drawings, watercolors to my children’s works, which to me are equally great and important.
Yet the most impact is from Marlinski pieces that were gifts to my wife. For example a Comodo Dragon that I called Iguana Paramianna that shows the “true” colors of the reptile… However colorful, though, it’s still going to bite you sooner or later and wait until you die.

Memento Mori – that’s the thought that I had now, when looking at this dinosaur offspring, although, how much simpler could a painting be? I’ve just played with some colors, when painting it – simple as that. However, even five years into its existence I keep rediscovering it from time to time.
Maybe art is an endless road. And now I have no idea where it leads. But taking it step by step, one day at a time, I’m sure we all will arrive at our destinations with the only difference being that some of our human journeys were embellished by art and others were not.
You decide for Yourself – is my art right now for you?