

Title : Peaches
Type : oil on board
Size : 230 * 160 cm
Year : 2020


The painting “Peaches” is an evocative portrayal of sensuality and leisure, capturing the graceful contours of nude female figures adorned only with wide-brimmed hats. These elegant accessories cast flirtatious shadows upon the warm, smooth surface beneath them, reminiscent of a large boulder weathered by winds and oceans, caressed by the sun.

The composition is both alluring and serene, with the handsome curves of the women’s bodies rendered in flowing brushstrokes. The backdrop, a tapestry of muted earth tones, envelops the scene in a sultry embrace, highlighting the creamy texture of their skin. The figures are positioned in a languid repose, their forms merging with the rock’s surface in a harmonious interplay of light and shadow.

Each figure’s posture is relaxed yet poised, capturing a moment of pure abandon in the sun’s glow. The hats, positioned just so, add a touch of mystique, their brims hiding the women’s eyes and casting their expressions into a veil of intrigue. This strategic concealment amplifies the allure, inviting the viewer to imagine the soft, sunlit glances that lie beneath.

“Peaches” is a symphony of curves and contrasts, where the tactile delight of smooth skin against the rugged, undulating stone creates a visual melody of textures. The artwork exudes an air of sophistication and indulgence, a celebration of the female form in its most natural state, basking in the simplicity and beauty of a sun-drenched setting. It’s a scene that is as tantalizing as it is tranquil, a sumptuous feast for the senses that captures the essence of a sultry, lazy afternoon.


Title : Peaches
Type : oil on board
Size : 230 * 160 cm
Year : 2020

Additional information

Weight 5 kg
Dimensions 1 × 275 × 155 cm

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