The Marlinski.art humanitarian aid line is running and here’s an update on the past week.
I’ve been able to deliver four tons of goods from a variety of hubs in and around Lviv and in Kyiv for supplying people heavily affected by the terroruZZian war including the survivors and community activists in the devastated area of Makariv district near Kyiv, a charity organization that provides assistance to the population in hot spots at risk of humanitarian catastrophe, a volunteer initiative that supplies women of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and two hospitals in the Donetsk regional cities of Kurahovo and Myrnograd.
I’ve sourced the first of these two loads of aid in Kyiv thanks to Vladimir Ishchenko and the volunteer initiative “Dobri Lyudy”, Charitable foundation “Let’s unite the world”, Charitable foundation “Goodwill” that operates under the brand of “World Central Kitchen”.
With a fully loaded (a bit overloaded – about 2300 kg) ride, off I went east – closer to the war zone…
The hospital in Myrnograd received 50 family food aid bags (600 kg), a ~hundred kilos of eggs, and about 50 liters of milk from the World Central Kitchen and a box of medical supplies incl. catheters from the volunteer initiative “Dobri Lyudy” (En. “Good People”).
The rest of the goods went to the hospital in Kurahovo, namely 100 food bags (1200 kg), a ~hundred kilos of eggs, and about 50 liters of milk from the W.C.K. and about 10 boxes of medical supplies from “Dobri Lyudy”.
This was the 6th and 7th of June – according to google maps timeline the total distance driven was 1114 km. Luckily (pushing the pedal to the metal) I’ve made it back to Kyiv before the curfew hours, else I would have had to spend the night in the car because the city is still on lockdown from 23:00 to 05:00.
The next mission was on June 9-10 – sourcing supplies from Chernivtsi and Lviv to supply various volunteer initiatives in and around Kyiv. That’s a run of 1240km…
The capital region around Kyiv hasn’t yet recovered from the horrors and damage of the invading ruZZian terrorist cockroaches. They’ve caused a catastrophe along all their routes of invasion including the Zhytomyr highway. Yet, people return to their destroyed and damaged homes to rebuild the once flourishing community, they help each other, help orphaned children of their murdered neighbors and their empathy doesn’t allow them to leave even the dogs and cats behind that lost their caretakers.
The first part of the goods went to Svitlana that takes care of the animals that were left unattended in the vicinity due to dead or displaced owners and helps the local community. The second and largest portion of the delivery was meant for Kyiv Polunytsya – a volunteer run non profit that ships to individuals and families in need, supplies hospitals and the UA Forces. The third went to a volunteer initiative that specifically supplies only women of the Ukrainian Army.
Glad I could help!
More to come!
Слава Україні!
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