A couple of months ago, the marlinski.art website has been hacked and put down by ruzzian terrorist hackers. Since this was a foreseeable event due to the specifics of my humanitarian and volunteer activity benefiting Ukrainian army and civilians on the front lines and in deoccupied areas, I’ve never stored any personal, financial or sensitive data on my website server – thus no information was leaked.
It took me some time to restore the website with all of its functionality and media because I was busy doing vital work in the real world – supplying Ukrainian troops, doctors, volunteer groups along the front line mostly in Kharkiv and Donetsk regions, as well as, evacuating civilians & aiding the ones that can’t leave. “Publicity” and reporting about the work executed is less important can be done post factum. In the meantime you can always trust that I am delivering on my promises as usual and we’re actively moving closer towards Ukrainian victory. Plus, you’re always welcome to follow my accounts on Instagram and Facebook where there is a flow of updates.
On my most recent trip to the eastern front lines my van suffered critical damage. But as every cloud has a silver lining, so do I now have the time to address the website issues and all else while my van is service for a total engine overhaul. Therefore, l’m filling the reporting gap and will focus on the future to present you what I, my partner organizations and volunteers have planned for the coming months. New fundraising campaigns are solid opportunities to help Ukraine gain victory and save more lives.
Thank You for the trust and, please, continue supporting – it’s a marathon and your support is needed now more than ever. If you weren’t able to do so yet, join us in the fight for self determination and freedom. Together we will defeat evil!!!
Слава Україні!

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