Krasnograd is hosting dozens of thousands of refugees from Kharkiv and the eastern front in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. I am grateful that I can help such wonderful people like @daria_volobueva at @volonter_liga that host and take care of the people seeking shelter and safety in their town.
And so many thanks go out to @kyivpolunytsya for supplying the goods – medicine, food, hygiene, etc.
Humanitarian aid is a team effort and I am happy to meet the most wonderful, selfless people that are all on the right side of history and are actively shaping the future by reaching out with a helping hand in times of need, excruciating pain, tragic loss and inhuman suffering.
These are the people that make me believe in Ukraine more and more each day.
Great thanks to You, dear supporters for making this possible, first of all. Remember that You are a vital part of our team and You play a significant role with everything you do or donate to help freedom, self-determination and democracy prevail over terroristic, horrendously atrocious, enslaving totalitarian evil that spreads pure horror.
We have no choice, but to stay active to overcome the ruzzian plague!
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