Blue Sail


Title : Blue Sail
Type : oil on canvas
Size : 30 * 40 cm
Year : 2016


“Blue Sail” is a masterful exploration of texture and hue, where the tactile quality of the painting is a testament to the author’s unique technique. The textured surface is a deliberate creation that adds a tangible depth to the work, inviting viewers to almost feel the swirls and eddies of the paint with their eyes.

Upon closer inspection, the monochromatic blue canvas reveals the subtle outline of a single-mast yacht. This vessel is defined not by lines or contrasts but by the delicate gradations of blue, a spectral presence that glides across the canvas. The yacht’s sail catches the light and shadow like the wind of the blue expanse, giving it a ghostly elegance.

The overall effect of the painting is one of profound stillness and depth, akin to the quiet mystery of the deep sea. The single mast and its implied sail suggest solitude and the silent communion between the sailor and the vastness of the ocean. This solitary journey, captured in shades of blue, speaks to the solitary nature of existence and the personal voyages we undertake.

“Blue Sail” is not just a visual experience; it is a sensory one. The unique application of paint creates a texture that seems to ripple with the same life and energy as the sea itself. The painting is a celebration of the serenity and power of the ocean, of solitary journeys, and of the subtle play of light that reveals the hidden depths of both the sea and the human experience.

Title : Blue Sail
Type : oil on canvas
Size : 30 * 40 cm
Year : 2016

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 3 × 30 × 40 cm