Red Hand Ed


Title : Red Hand Ed
Type : oil on canvas
Size : 40 * 30 cm
Year : 2019


“Red Hand Ed” is a visually arresting oil painting that utilizes a stark contrast between color and background to make a bold statement. The central feature of the artwork is a bright red handprint, stark against a black and white splattered background. The handprint is detailed, with clear impressions of the palm and fingers, suggesting a forceful and deliberate placement onto the surface.

The black and white background resembles a splatter or explosion pattern radiating outward from the handprint, giving a sense of movement or energy dispersing from a central point. This could symbolize the impact or influence one has on their surroundings, or perhaps the spreading of an idea or emotion. The chaotic nature of the splatter, with its fine, dispersed particles and lines, contrasts sharply with the solid, unified form of the red hand.

The use of red is significant as it often denotes passion, urgency, or danger, and in this context, it could represent a powerful statement or a cry for attention. The clarity of the handprint against the complexity of the background may suggest the human capacity to make a mark or an impact despite the chaos and disorder of life.

Additionally, the title “Red Hand Ed” could be a play on words, potentially referring to a person’s name or an action (‘red-handed’, commonly associated with being caught in the act of wrongdoing). This adds an element of narrative or personality to the painting, inviting viewers to consider the story behind the handprint and its bold proclamation on the canvas.

Overall, the painting is both graphically simple and conceptually deep, leaving much to the interpretation of the viewer, with its contrasting colors, textures, and the potential symbolism of the handprint making a statement that is both personal and universal.

Title : Red Hand Ed
Type : oil on canvas
Size : 40 * 30 cm
Year : 2019

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 3 × 40 × 30 cm