

Title : Sunset
Type : Oil on canvas
Size : 100 * 100 cm
Year : 2019


The painting titled “Sunset” captures the serene and ephemeral beauty of the day’s end. The work is divided into a striking contrast between the dark, almost silhouetted forms on either side and the luminous, warm colors of the sunset in the center. This central section depicts the sky in a gradient of colors, ranging from a deep blue at the top, suggesting the onset of night, transitioning into bands of rich oranges and yellows that evoke the last glowing moments of daylight.

The dark forms flanking the sunset could be interpreted as trees or foliage, their details obscured by the diminishing light, creating a natural frame for the vibrant colors of the sky. These silhouetted shapes contribute to the depth of the scene, giving the viewer a sense of looking through a narrow window or gap to the spectacle of the sunset beyond.

The texture of the painting achieved by Marlinski’s original technique is rough and tactile, which gives the colors a granular quality. This texturing technique enhances the visual interest of the sky, suggesting the complex interplay of light that occurs during sunset.

The overall composition is simple yet powerful, with a strong emphasis on the contrast between light and dark, warmth and shadow. The painting invites contemplation, offering a peaceful yet dynamic representation of a daily phenomenon that never ceases to inspire. It’s a testament to the artist’s ability to convey the profound tranquility and reflective mood that a sunset can instill in the observer.

In the meantime this sunset glows and whispers.

Title : Sunset

Type : Oil on canvas

Size : 100 * 100 cm

Year : 2019

Additional information

Weight 5 kg
Dimensions 3 × 100 × 100 cm